Anna Porcaro is Adept at Adaptability
Eric Cohen Shares the Secrets to His Success
Eric Eissenstat Leads with Faith and Integrity
How Letitia Silas Makes Way for Her Vision
Jamila Taylor Carves Out Her Own Path at Guidehouse
Jessica Hodkinson on Her Fast Rise—and Faster Impact—at Panasonic
Tara Long’s Long Haul at MassMutual
Amir Hameed Is a Digital Transformer
Burt Podbere on How to Run a Successful IPO
Hobbs DeWitt Optimizes the Supply Chain to Fuel Innovation
How Denis McCarthy Manages Risk in Hospitality
How Donna Hughes Guides Teams along the ‘Curve of Change’
How Shawn Gibbs and Seqirus Fight the Flu
How Tracy Cheney Works Against Fraudsters
Kevin Carmody Knows How to Transform Companies
Lynne Puckett Knows Sustainability Is the Solution
Marc Ellenbogen Maps the Path to Privacy Regulation
Matt King Looks Toward the Greater Good at Belcan
Mona Chu Tackles Challenges with Ease
Nancy Gleason is the Numbers Leader
Philip Dana Builds His HR Legacy
Ashley Halfman Is Part of Printpack’s Family
Charlotte Pomasl Builds a Team that Invests
How Brett Beveridge Supercharges the Sellers
Jana Gouchev Knows What Companies Want
Jeanne O’Connor Puts the “Trust” in Billtrust
Karen Walker Helps Craft a Seamless Experience at PagerDuty
Lynanne Kunkel Drives Growth by Making Every Employee a Leader
Sally Shanks Tackles New Challenges at WillScot
Tracy-Elizabeth Clay Chooses a New Value Proposition
Alana Matthews Breaks Barriers On and Off the Ice
Heather McHale Is Giving It Her All
Jelena Alonso Tells the Narrative Behind the Numbers
Jennifer Saavedra Transforms Learning at Dell Technologies
Jill Pappenheimer Uses Tech to Transform Soft Skills
John Geffert is CBIZ’s Legal Goalie
Kevin Kohutek Partners Finance with HR
L. David Kingsley on the Value of Treating Employees Like Customers
Marjorie Zyble Drives Cultural Transformation at GE Aviation
Roxy Bargoz Takes Small Actions to Make a Big Impact
Tammy Cooper Puts Employees First at Technologent
Shawn Bushouse Helps Create a Winning Culture at Vital Proteins
Alisha Valavanis Knows Winning Is a Team Sport
Brandon Covert is Top Dawg Behind the Scenes
Derek Smith Leads Airbnb’s Legal Team to Harmony
Jobe Danganan Has a Passion for Protecting Consumers
Kathi Winter Pushes for People Excellence
Lou Nowikas Sees Sustainability and Wellness as One
Mark Marquez Takes an Un-IT Approach
Melanie Klint Builds Legal with Collaboration and Strategy
Michael Valente Keeps a Steady Mind
Tracie Sponenberg on How to Transform HR
Valerie Hulse Accounts for Every Employee at KBR
Wendy Hill Supports a Growing Netsmart Through Integrated Health